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Startup Lounge #55 - Laptop lockWare

Startup Lounge #55 - Laptop lockWare

New month, new ideas! For our first event in October we are proud to welcome Niklas Schäfer from Laptop lockWare at Startup lounge #55!

When leaving your laptop unattended, laptop lockWare is a theft-protection software specifically designed for the library, office or a public workstation. The application does not require any additional hardware, as after activation lockWare continuously monitors your power cable connection, hence nobody can remove your laptop from the workspace without triggering various customizable alarms and notifications.

Niklas completed his Bachelor's degree in Business Administration in Mannheim and is now a first year student in the Mannheim Master of Management at the University of Mannheim. Between his Bachelor and Master he did internships in investment banking and portfolio management. As many students, he has dealt with topics around finance and coding for the first time in school, started trading stocks and learned to program in class. Besides his studies, Niklas is working as a self-employed developer and during his exchange in Singapore, he has started programming an anti-theft software, which now eventually has become 'laptop lockWare', which he expects to be ready for publishing this winter.

Your first time to the Startup Lounge?

The Startup Lounge is your place to get inspired to create something new, to discuss great ideas while hanging out with cool people and to meet startups, students and creative minds in a laid-back atmosphere. Join us if you are into startups and want to build a network in the Rhein-Neckar area. As usual, the first rounds of drinks are on us.

Join the Facebook Event!

Date & Time: October 9, 2018 from 7:30 pm

Location & full address: Cafe L3, L3 9, 68161 Mannheim


Your first time to the Startup Lounge?

The Startup Lounge is your place to get inspired to create something new, to discuss great ideas while hanging out with cool people and to meet startups, students and creative minds in a laid-back atmosphere. Join us if you are into startups and want to build a network in the Rhein-Neckar area. As usual, the first rounds of drinks are on us.


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  • University of Mannheim
  • Institut für Mittelstandsforschung
  • Gründerverbund
  • ESF
  • Europäische Union
  • Baden-Württemberg - Ministerium für Finanzen und Wirtschaft
  • Absolventum